What were your favorite activities when you were a teenager ?

Talking with friends, telling stories, making jokes, walking or drinking. And the theater too, which looks a bit like this.

What were your dreams in high school ?
( job, project... )

At the beginning of high school, it’s pretty fuzzy. I guess I didn’t know. A priori rather a literary activity, or a place where people tell things. I was rather curious about the job of museum curator, even though I knew my temperament would not fit, but I saw these jobs so rich and inexhaustible of stories of all kinds. I found it very exciting. In high school, the English teacher also gave a drama class. I participated. Since he knew my laborious level in his English class and seeing my enthusiasm in his theatre activites , he clearly supported my change of option from English to theatre. Starting in my senior year with the theatre option, I knew that was what I wanted to do.

What studies have you done ? What field did you find the most exiting ?

After high school, I tried a regional conservatory and three national schools. I was not taken from any of them. I enrolled in college, in performing arts, which do not train as an actor, but the analysis of plays and films has fascinated me. At the same time, I did some evening classes and internships, but I mostly made small shows with friends. During those university years, I did a year at Giessen in Germany, where there were real practices that combined theatre and performance.
It is, aesthetically, the most memorable formation that I did.

Which personalities inspired you the most ?

Celebrities? None of them. But if I had to mention famous actors or actresses that I appreciate a lot, I could say Charlotte Rampling and Peter Falk..

You are passionate about theatre, can you explain to us why ...

I love it. It’s an art of the present. Before going on stage, the adrenaline goes up. Once on stage, if things go well, it is like floating smoothly above the real. Theatre is the reality much more powerful.

Who did you share this passion for cinema with ?

It’s not a passion for cinema. My mother works as a nurse, and after her work, she was exhausted and sensible too, thus she developed an addiction to television. Her enthusiasm to watch films without really knowing how to stop, has a perfect link with my first approach to cinema.

Your theatre company "Yves & Pony", why did you decide to name it this way ? How did you manage to make it emerge ?

Ives and Pony are the two characters in my first play, ViEL. It is the story of a couple with a large age difference inspired by Harold and Maude, the film by Hal Ashby that saves a proud giant wounded in the collarbone. For the company, it’s a long road of encounters with theatres that decide to support the plays.

These stories you tell are mind pathways, how do you raise questions
( philosophical, societal ) in your plays ?

I begin by asking myself questions and reflections on society, and instead of proposing them directly, I integrate them in my stories in my plays to see how we react to them.

We awarded ( the Young Luzian Jury ) "Une vie démente" which deeply shook us and we wanted to know how did you meet Ann Sirot and Raphael Balboni ?

I believe that Ann came, via a mutual friend , to see a representation of VIEIL.

What was your first impression of this duo ?

Wouldn’t it be a bit risky to live as a couple and work so much together? Ooh no, they manage it successfully !

What affected you the most about this film ?

The fact that this is a true story and equally well shared.

How was the shooting of the film ?

It went really well. It was a little over a month of shooting and it was the first time I had such a long shoot !

Has this spontaneous relathionship, in the film, also been the case of your relationship with Jo Deleuze and Lucie Debay out of set ?

Not at all. It is a work of Ann and Raphael to make us work intensely and for a long time to give this great familiarity impression. When we arrived on the set, we were ready to play together and pretend we were close.

Did the impressive acting of Jo Deleuze not undermine you?

On the contrary, it was really nice to have a partner who marvellously personifies her character, it gives real forces to play, it carries.

Interview with Jean Le Peltier

( Helped by my friend Katherine Garmendia, love you )